Uranus Reflections: Welcoming the Unexpected
I go through seasons of feeling myself drawn to different archetypes in astrology.
Exploring the many facets of this mythical system.
Transfixed on a planet or part of the chart and humming with the energies they represent.
Dreaming with them when my body is asleep at night.
Waking up seeing their symbol before me with my third eye.
My connection to the stars is mystical, vivid, real.
I’ve found myself dancing with Uranus a lot lately. (He is my time-lord for this year).
Uranus; the planet of rebellion, awakening, unexpected or sudden change. The fire-starter. The visionary. The one who isn’t afraid to change and grow and shift course.
We all have an inner Uranus in us. This is something I love about astrology; it’s a path to acknowledging and awakening different parts of ourselves.
When I was looking at this week’s astrology, I noticed some hard aspects to Uranus present in the sky, and it had me preparing for chaos and unexpected change.
When most of us hear the word “unexpected”, I feel like it’s very common to immediately associate that with something negative happening.
“Oh, something BAD is going to happen.”
I better prepare for the bad thing this unexpected wind is going to bring me.
The more and more I deepen in my own healing path, the more I open to being able to receive the joy in life just as much as the challenge.
I am having this epiphany this week of realizing how “unexpected” doesn’t necessarily mean BAD.
What if what is unexpected is actually a pleasure and a love that is beyond my wildest dreams?
What if the unexpected nature of Uranus, the surprise, the awe and wonder of something I couldn’t see coming… what if that brought me delight, instead of potentially only suffering?
Unexpected does not only mean one thing.
It does not only mean a painful thing. Or an accident.
It can… but it can also mean an unexpected blessing.
An unexpected romance. An unexpected ease where things go so much better than what was planned.
For something to not go according to plan could be a welcome disruption. A portal to something even better.
What if what was unexpected was that things went well in my life? Because my expectations often have me assuming the worst?
What if it went well instead of as poorly as my wounding wants to project that it will go?
To open myself to this possibility sets me free. Allows me to experience Uranus in all their wonder.
When I can open to the full nature of the unexpected… welcoming it… I can have unexpected pleasures, and I can have the wisdom from the moments of unexpected pains.
Because what if the unexpected challenges are actually working in my favor anyway?
What if a loss here, is actually a gain somewhere else in my life?
Life is all about balance.
Creation and destruction.
They are never without each other.
I’m grateful for the lessons I’ve been learning from Uranus this year…
To welcome the unexpected.
Because as I’ve been learning, it might just bring me dreams beyond my most delicious imaginings.
I want space for the unexpected in my spirituality. For things to not go according to plan.
Space for the wonder and the mystery and to be delightfully surprised.
For sometimes, this is how we awaken. Unexpectedly.
This or something better.